Thursday, February 14, 2008

Super Sunday Holiday-Robert Arthur Miller

Superbowl sunday
will eventually one day
become a holiday,
we already celebrate
the game on it's date
in so many different ways.

We are already habitiuals
when it comes to our ritiuals
while enjoying the game,
cracking open our brews
to see the other team lose
every year we do the same.

While eating our chips
with all kinds of dips
and many other types of snacks,
we see rewinded clips
broken hips
and great quaterback sacks.

Superbowl sunday
has always been a fun day
where we tune everyone else out,
just take it from me
eventually we'll see
it become a holiday, no doubt.


RESPONSE: This poem show how important football and especially the Super Bowl is in the America. This poem explains how teh Super Bowl should be recognized as a holiday because it is the most watched television program of the year. Even people that don't know the game of football still watch it. This shows how powerful and important football is in America.

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