Sunday, March 16, 2008

Current Events 3


This current event is about Gas Station in White Plains now a HFS (Hydrogen Fuel Station). General Motors are behind this project. Hydrogen Fuel lets us (people of the US) use less fossil fuels. This HFS is one of three Stations in the US. So the people of the country are progressing but still too slow. Only Hydrogen Fuel powered cars are able to go to that station like the Cheverlet Equinox. Obviouslly HFS powered cars give no pollution at all which helps the enviornment a lot. Also it is a good thing that it is in the Tri-State area because there a lot of cars in New York City for example, and that means a lot of pollution. With more people switching to HFS powered cars, the less pollution there is in New York. General Motors are eager to continue with this project.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Current Events 2


This current event is interesting to me because I want to be an astonut so I am very interesting in the news. Tomorrow there will be a mission in which the Space Shuttle Endeavour will go for sixteen days to the International Space Station. The shuttle will roar off at 2:28 AM on Tuesday. The mission will include five spacewalks to install the first part of Kibo and assemble the pieces of Dextre. This means a lot to me because it hs been a long since there was a mission so I am really looking forward for this mission and how it is going to progress.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Current Events


As everyone knows, the election has been heating up this year. It has been espaecially heated on the Democratic side of the rivals: Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Well now they are being put to the test especially Obama. Obama's followers in his campaign are what you can call rookies because they are new young people just like Obama who is young. Clinton's followers are what you can call veterans and are experienced in political competitions. Clinton also has help from former president and husband, president Bill Clinton. She has an edge in this election although Pbama is still not tapping out. It is actually really close.